
What do I call this place, I suppose a blog?? I'm not sure ://. I'm planning to use this site to primarily share my art and info-dump! I would like to maybe make comics or possibly even little games, but i'm getting waayyyy ahead of myself there. I barely even know html lol.

Okay... so who are you?

You can call me Jellie or whatever you want really, Obviously thats not my real name but i'm not comforatble sharing that on a webpage that anyone can see haha.
If you want you can follow me on Tumblr!

Ok! heres a list of everyhting I want to get made. Some of this is way beyond my understanding atm but hopefully i'll get there

Ta-Da! Heres a link to my art page! its under alot of contrustion atm so theres alot missing!